The SRG Foundation

Welcome to
The SRG Foundation

An Ovarian Cancer Resource

The SRG Foundation is an organization committed to providing resource materials that we found helpful in the ovarian cancer journey of our daughter.  It is our sincere hope that this information will be helpful to those who are fighting other forms of cancer and critical illnesses.

Medical student carrying books


We have shared  links to other websites that may provide useful information to the patient and the care giver.

Please report any broken or incorrect links.   

Our Mission

Our Mission is to help provide resources to educate  ovarian cancer patients  based on our own personal experiences, and those of others. 

Our Vision

Our vision is to help ovarian cancer patients and their caregivers navigate through their healthcare journeys.  

Contact Us

Contact Us to learn more about the resources and services we plan to offer.

What We Offer

Based on our experience, we believe that patients and caregivers have a high interest in 4 categories of information as shown below.  This information is scattered all over the internet and requires cumbersome searches.  Our objective is to pull together useful information from different sources and locate them in one place, thus easing the burden on the user. 

Patient Empowerment

How do we empower patients with additional information to travel this difficult journey?

Physician & Healthcare Team Engagement

How do we enhance engagement and change interaction norms between patients and physicians?


How can we better understand the various medications, devices, treatments and trials?

Public Policy

How do we educate patients about policy information and empower them to advocate and obtain the best medical care for themselves?

Get One Step Ahead Of Cancer​

Early Detection

Glowing “Fingerprint” from a Blood Test may find Ovarian Cancer early.

“Ovarian cancer is very hard to detect, but if it can be caught early, it is much easier to treat. My lab found that carbon nanotubes — tiny fluorescent particles — can respond to proteins in the blood and give a diverse set of signals. We used machine learning algorithms to make sense of these signals. We found that our nanosensors  can be used to detect ovarian cancer better than conventional markers, and they may be able to be adapted to detect many other cancers.” 

- Daniel Heller, PhD

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Campbell CA, US

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